Ceiling soundproofing - Products

Viscoelastic membrane ISOLfon BARRIER 10R, thickness 5.00mm, 1,20m²/ sheet

Product Code: 061.01.105012

Viscoelastic membrane ISOLfon BARRIER 10R, thickness 5,00mm, 1,20m²/sheet

► ISOLfon BARRIER,viscoelastic membrane, is a soundproofing membrane that increases the transmission loss of walls and ceilings
► Sheet dimensions: 1.2x1m


♦ ISOLfon - Barrier is a high performance, flexible, massloaded vinyl noise barrier, off ering superior acoustic transmission loss.
♦ Constructed of non-reinforced blend of polymers compounded mineral fi lled, without lead and bitumen fillers.
It can be used to increase transmission loss between acoustically sensitive spaces.

♦ ISOLfon - Barrier offers comfort, privacy, confidentiality and protection from external noise by improving the noise insulation of existing structures through retrofi ting over existing walls and covering with gypsum board.
♦ Stiff lightweight panel constructions, such as gypsum board, typically have coincidence dip resonance which allows noise to transmit through a construction.
♦ The coincidence dip is dependent on the material’s stiff ness and thickness and occurs at the point where the sound transmitted through the structure matches the natural frequency of the panel.
♦ ISOLfon - Barrier prevents coincidence dip resonance.


 Δημόκριτος - πιστοποίηση ηλιακών      


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